Rebase Tokens: What are They? How Do They Work.

Rebase Tokens: What are They? How Do They Work.

You may have noticed that many digital assets are highly volatile. It can be difficult to use cryptocurrency for exchange or storage of value. This problem can be solved by Rebase tokens (also known as elastic tokens).

This article will explain what rebase tokens can do, how they work and whether they are worth your investment.

What are Rebase/Elastic Tokens and How Do They Work?

Rebase tokens, a type cryptocurrency that adjusts its supply to maintain price stability, are called Rebase tokens. This is different from traditional cryptocurrencies which have a fixed supply that was determined at their creation.

Rebase tokens ensure price stability by triggering a “rebase” process. This is done at regular intervals (e.g. every 24 hours). The supply of tokens is adjusted according to a predetermined formula during a rebase.

If the demand for a token to rebase has increased by 10% in the past rebase, then the token supply will automatically rise by 10%. The supply of the token will decrease if the demand decreases. This is to ensure that the token’s price remains stable despite fluctuations in demand.

How do Rebase Tokens work?

What is a Rebase cryptocurrency? How do they work in practice?

Let’s take a closer view.

It is important to know that smart contracts are the basis of rebase tokens. Smart contracts are self-executing contracts that have the terms between the buyer and the seller written directly into the code. Smart contracts allow automation of certain processes such as the adjustment to a token’s supply when there is a change in demand.

The smart contract that creates a rebase token has a predetermined formula to adjust the supply. This formula is usually based on the target price of the token and the current market price.

If the market price for a rebase token falls below the target price, then the supply will decrease in order to bring it back to the original target price. The supply will increase if the market price exceeds the target price.

Rebasing is the process of changing the supply. Rebases are usually triggered every 24 hours. The smart contract executes the predetermined formula and adjusts the token’s supply when a rebase occurs.

Rebase Token Examples

There are many examples of rebase tokens in circulation at the moment. Let’s have a look.


Ampleforth (AMPL), a cryptocurrency, was the first to have an elastic supply. This means that token supply is automatically adjusted to maintain stable prices. The target price for Ampleforth is $1 per token. This is achieved by adjusting the supply through a process known as a “rebase”, which takes place every 24 hours.

Although Ampleforth is a stablecoin, it is still subject to volatility. The price of individual tokens should not be the only thing that is considered when evaluating Ampleforth’s value (or any other rebase cryptocurrency). It is important to consider changes in supply caused by rebasing.

Ampleforth’s market capitalization is a better indicator of its growth and traction than individual token prices. The network’s total value is measured by market capitalization. This can give a better picture of its overall performance.

Ampleforth has gained considerable traction due to a Geyser is a liquidity mining campaignThe tokens are distributed to participants over a ten-year period by, This illustrates how liquidity incentives can be used to drive adoption and growth of a Decentralized Finance (DeFi) project.


RMPL A cryptocurrency forked from Ampleforth that uses the same elastic supply mechanism. RMPL uses a randomized rebasing procedure and has a target value of $1. To maintain stability, the supply of tokens for RMPL is adjusted random, not in response to price changes.

The RMPL rebasing period is for a maximum of 48-hours and it’s activated when the price goes above $1.05 or below $0.95.

RMPL uses randomized rebasing to avoid price fixing and maintain a stable price of its tokens. It’s designed to serve as a stable store for value for decentralized apps (dApps), and a medium for exchange for peer-to–peer transactions.

YAM Finance

Yam Finance This cryptocurrency uses an elastic supply mechanism that is similar to Ampleforth’s. It includes elements of staking as well as a fair launch. Yam’s goal is to keep the price stable at $1 per token.

Yam’s unique feature is its community-owned nature and distribution via liquidity mining. This meant that tokens were distributed through liquidity mining without any pre-mine or founder allocation. All participants had equal opportunities to obtain tokens from a yield farming program.

Yam was a relatively unknown project and gained rapid traction. It achieved $600,000,000 in value in its staking pool within just two days.

A bug in the rebasing mechanism led to more supply than was intended. This required a community-funded audit as well as a relaunch on a new token contract. The future of Yam lies in the hands its holders.

Merits and demerits of Rebase Tokens

As with any innovation, Rebase tokens can have both merits and detrimentsWe highlight some of them below.

Merits of Rebase Tokens

What are the benefits of using rebase tokens to your advantage? These are some key points you should consider.

  • Stability in price Rebase tokens have the advantage of maintaining price stability. Rebase tokens are able to maintain their price stability even under volatile market conditions by automatically adjusting the supply according to changes in demand. This is a great option for those who use cryptocurrency to store or exchange value.
  • Decentralization: Rebase tokens can be used to create a decentralized network. They are therefore less susceptible to manipulation and more resistant censorship.
  • Potential for greater adoption Rebase tokens can be attractive to both merchants and consumers that are not hesitant to use traditional cryptocurrency due to volatility by having a fixed price. This could increase demand and value, and possibly encourage more adoption.

Rebase Tokens Demerits

Rebase tokens offer some benefits but also some drawbacks.

  • Complexity: Rebase tokens can be complex in both their technology and how they work. Some users may find them confusing and difficult to use.
  • Volatility: Rebase tokens can fluctuate despite their efforts to keep prices stable. Rebase tokens’ prices can fluctuate greatly and it is not possible to guarantee they will remain stable over time.
  • Failure risk: There is always the possibility that a rebase token will fail, just like any other cryptocurrency. This could be due in part to technical issues, security vulnerabilities or lack of adoption.

Are Rebase Tokens a Good Option for Your Crypto Portfolio?

Before investing in cryptocurrency, it is important to consider both the risks and rewards. Rebase tokens are a unique investment opportunity that may appeal to some. However, it is important to understand the risks.

Rebase tokens, which are relatively new and untested concepts in cryptocurrency, could be a risk. There is more uncertainty about their long-term prospects and the possibility that they will fail to live up their potential.

Rebase tokens can be a useful tool for investors and traders who want to protect themselves against volatility in traditional cryptocurrencies.

The final decision on whether or not to include rebase tokens in your portfolio will depend on your investment goals and risk tolerance. It is important to research all possible risks and benefits before making any investment decision.

By David Warsh

David Warsh is a leading expert in the field of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. With over a decade of experience in the industry, he has a deep understanding of the intricacies of digital currencies and the potential they hold for revolutionizing various industries.